22 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

A Lucid Experience

Breathe in, breathe out, 1, deep breath, out, 2, he was bored that night, counting, like counting the number of sheeps jumped through the fence in the cartoons.

Slowly, he was going deeper and deeper. Trying to reach his goal. Tired, he wanted to have a good night sleep. 150, 151, still going, "When should i stop?".

Time passed and he decided to let go. It was about an hour after, he woke up. Took him some time to start writing. He reached his pen just to see he had 6 fingers.

"I made it!" he shouted. At a flash, he found himself in his university. Conscious but not in control, he kept watching his show. His best friend was looking at the lecturer, saying "I'd definetely hit that brother, such a sexy beast she is". "I don't want to hear this" he thought, and as he blinked, he felt the control, everything is possible he chanted, everything is possible....

It was a big hotel reservation, bright lights with a pinch of the city landscape from its enormous windows, "Perfect place for my birthday". 

Time seems to be non-existent. Shortly after going to the empty ballroom, celebrations started with joy. "Incredible" he said to himself, "Full of people here". 

He always dreamt about flying. Jumping to the upper floors, he reached the roof. Control element was seemed to be fading, but with his lastly will, he shot himself to the outer atmosphere.

"Wow, I can see the earth." But he lost control, and started falling down. "God, it's so scary". He felt like it wasn't ever going to end till he hit himself in his bed.

"Shit, that was an interesting dream". With the elevated heartbeat, he woke up just to realise he wasn't in his room but in an Egytian Pyramid. "What is going on here?". Hearing his parents' voices he tried to shout as hard as he can. Not even a single noise. It was his darkest hour and the only light in the place was the torches on the wall.

This frightening image was growing bigger and bigger every split second in his mind, till his body started to tremble.

His pupils moved and he cried out loud "I BLINKED". It was a familiar experience for him, waking up in a dream, fully paralized. So he started calming down. But it wasn't really helping him to wake up. He was in a transition from the dream to the world as we know it. Trying to move, he woke up.

"It was such a long time passed" he thought, checking his clock, only to realise that 2 hours have passed since he slept. Unbelievable, he felt his body rejuvenated at least like a 24-hour deep sleep. Being amazed, he started typing down this amazing experience to share with others...

21 Şubat 2012 Salı

Looking at "Success" from a Different Perspective

Success, what a powerful word that is. People eagers, wants, and tries to reach it. In today's world, success is generally measured by statistics. Boy, don't we like numbers. We are driven to get more and more. More points from the exams, more money, more people to like us, more...

Why did we become such egoistic creatures? What went wrong in evolution that we still want more almost about anything. Even as a child we wanted all the toys in the world. We "grew up" and now, its all about seeing more numbers everywhere. "You know i'm earning 7 figures-a-year." type of people, so proud of their, so called, achievements in life. Hell, i'd do the same.

Thinking deeply, i wonder, why do we made success so important in our lives. Individually, people may become so successful that they became blind in the end. Everything transforms to "their" world and they forget what is real and what is created by their own "ego".

How do we measure success is my question to you all. People may take Nobel Prizes for their own work, but we forgot about the real mess every culture created. Humanity polluted this world, with their twisted minds, so a child dies in Africa every three seconds, while some "successful" person is earning 6-7 figures a year by his/her amazing contribution to "humanity".

Looking at the broader picture, we failed in a lot of aspects, not as individuals, but as a whole. Hope remains for the humanity.


20 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Ülkemiz ve Müzik

Müzik, yaratıcılığımızın özü, içimizi ortaya koyduğumuz, düşüncelerimizi seslerle süslediğimiz matematik. Klasik Müzikten günümüz müziğine gelinen noktada, bu matematiğin nasil bir değişim içinde olduğunu anlamak bir çoğumuz için zor olmasa gerek.

Değiştiremediğimiz tek şey değişimin ta kendisidir. Ne hikmetse değişimi sevmiyorum. Alıştığımız kalıplar bizi sürekli orada tutmak istiyorlar. On yıl önce suratına bakılmayan dj ler, şu anin Türkiye'sinde ilahlaştırılıyorlar. Ama hala belirli bir kesim var ki, yerinde saymaya devam ediyor.

Nasıl bir camia yaratıldıysa, sanmışız ki ülkemizde yaratılan müzik, dünya yaratımlarının çok üstünde. Bu algının sonucu olarak ta anlaşılır bir şekilde bir beyin göçü yaşıyoruz. İnsanlar bu 1+1=2 olan kalıplardan bir türlü çıkmak istemezken, ülkemizin bir Armin Van Buuren çıkarmasını beklemek, yarın İzmir Metrosunun bitmesini beklemek kadar uzak bir düşünce olarak kalıyor.

Darwin'in evrim teorisi her ne kadar teori olsada, değişimin varlığı, dünya üzerinde yaşadığımız kadar büyük bir gerçek. Yıllardır Serdar Ortaç'ı, Hande Yener'i, girdiğimiz bir sürü ortamda dinliyoruz. Burda yanlış anlaşılmak istemiyorum, bu insanlar ülkemizde en çok tanınan isimler, ve bu yüzdendir ki bu örnekleri veriyorum.

Yıllardır aynı tınıları, aynı tip müziği dinliyoruz ve bu durumdan çok memnunuz. Haftasonu kendimizi bir mekanda buluyor, ve bazen bağıra bağıra şarkılarını söylerken bazende delicesine dans ederken dinliyoruz bu isimleri. Bir gün oturup, objektif bir şekilde görmek istemiyoruz değişen bir şey olmadığını. Her yıl inanması güç bir şekilde, özellikle de Serdar Ortaç'ın tamamen aynı tınılarla yaptığı müzik, yaz kış her yerde çalıyor.

Suçlu bizleriz. çünkü biz dinliyoruz bu müziği. Biz gidip tonlarca para harcıyoruz mekanlarda, ve o dj kabinine gidip, "Kardeş, bi Hande Yener çal da kendimize gelelim" diyoruz. İnanın o insanlar da yaptıkları setlerden memnun değiller. On bir yıl önce başladığım dj liğe başladığımda, insanlara dinletmek istediğim müzikleri, bazen zorla da olsa çalabiliyordum bende. "Bu neyin nesi, bize Ajda Pekkan, Kenan Doğulu çal lütfen" diyen insanlara, arada sırada da olsa dünyadan örnekler vermeye çalışıyordum.

Müzik endüstrisine dinleyicilerden şikayetler gitmediği sürece, ülkemizde yapılan müzik, her zaman yerinde sayacak. Bana şimdi gelip de hiç bahane uydurmayın. Skrillex, geçtiğimiz yılının büyük bir kısmını Los Angeles'ta bir garajda kanunsal olmayan yollarla evsiz bir şekilde yaşarken, geçen haftalarda, orada yaptığı bir remix ile kendisine bir Grammy aldı. Biz kendi evimizin rahatında, ona buna laf atıp kendimizi övmekten başka bir şey yapmıyoruz ülkemizde.

Çoğumuzun evinde bilgisayarı ve interneti olan bir ülkede yaşıyoruz. Facebook'ta harcadığımız zamanı biraz olsun araştırma yapmakla geçirirsek, eminim ülkemizde büyük değişimlere yol açabiliriz. Yaratıma ve yaratıcıya saygıyı eksik etmeyelim.

Sevgiyle kalın.

Recent Events

I woke up dozens of times last night. Wondering if i slept for long time. But it was dark all the time. Said to myself "What is going on?". This kept on going at least ten times and at last i saw the light. Afraid, i opened my laptop to check the time, don't ask me why i can't really wake up just by checking the time on my phone. In a flash i thought it should've been at least 12pm, seconds later things got really interesting.

It was 7.30 in the morning but i felt like as if i slept for 24 hours. I'm kind of a person who loves to sleep and dream a lot so it was a really interesting moment of realisation since i havent actually slept that long.  

After that i opened youtube to  check whats going in the world. Found A video about the recent expected changes from the new moon period. It was suggesting that the force which controls the media is going to be diminished soon so the real truth about whats happening in the world is gonna be on the surface for all. Wow, i hope so. 
About two bours later my roommate woke up and told me that he had a really weird night. he told me that he woke up every fifteen or twenty minutes. i said "well what a coin idence i also woke up dozens of times".  

Not ten minutes passed i got a message from a friend from facebook telling me that he had the weirdest night ever. Imagine yourself in a position that you have doubts about a particular situation and you wonder if you are paranoid about it. Well folks, my life taught me that there isn't any coincidences in life, just things to be understood. 

We are currently living in our 3rd dimentional space which sometimes fails to deliver some answers to our life. our far fetched ideas are the ones generally change the world. who could've thought that we could write on an electronical device and reach millions of people in matter of seconds ten years ago. who knows maybe we can teleport in five to ten years so time wont be a problem for some