Breathe in, breathe out, 1, deep breath, out, 2, he was bored that night, counting, like counting the number of sheeps jumped through the fence in the cartoons.
Slowly, he was going deeper and deeper. Trying to reach his goal. Tired, he wanted to have a good night sleep. 150, 151, still going, "When should i stop?".
Time passed and he decided to let go. It was about an hour after, he woke up. Took him some time to start writing. He reached his pen just to see he had 6 fingers.
"I made it!" he shouted. At a flash, he found himself in his university. Conscious but not in control, he kept watching his show. His best friend was looking at the lecturer, saying "I'd definetely hit that brother, such a sexy beast she is". "I don't want to hear this" he thought, and as he blinked, he felt the control, everything is possible he chanted, everything is possible....
It was a big hotel reservation, bright lights with a pinch of the city landscape from its enormous windows, "Perfect place for my birthday".
Time seems to be non-existent. Shortly after going to the empty ballroom, celebrations started with joy. "Incredible" he said to himself, "Full of people here".
He always dreamt about flying. Jumping to the upper floors, he reached the roof. Control element was seemed to be fading, but with his lastly will, he shot himself to the outer atmosphere.
"Wow, I can see the earth." But he lost control, and started falling down. "God, it's so scary". He felt like it wasn't ever going to end till he hit himself in his bed.
"Shit, that was an interesting dream". With the elevated heartbeat, he woke up just to realise he wasn't in his room but in an Egytian Pyramid. "What is going on here?". Hearing his parents' voices he tried to shout as hard as he can. Not even a single noise. It was his darkest hour and the only light in the place was the torches on the wall.
This frightening image was growing bigger and bigger every split second in his mind, till his body started to tremble.
His pupils moved and he cried out loud "I BLINKED". It was a familiar experience for him, waking up in a dream, fully paralized. So he started calming down. But it wasn't really helping him to wake up. He was in a transition from the dream to the world as we know it. Trying to move, he woke up.
"It was such a long time passed" he thought, checking his clock, only to realise that 2 hours have passed since he slept. Unbelievable, he felt his body rejuvenated at least like a 24-hour deep sleep. Being amazed, he started typing down this amazing experience to share with others...